Full changelog.txt: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-zefir/changelog.txt
How to update Zefir: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-zefir/#update-section
Version 3.2.6 – 30.09.2018Fixed:
- Contact form widget: E-mail validation error.
- Fixed PHP v7.1 warnings:
- Warning: Illegal string offset… ;
- Warning: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset… .
- Theme screenshot.
- Few minor CSS issues:
- Comments Form: Cookies acceptance checkbox – Added new styles;
- Changed styles for the
, andobject
- TGM Plugin Activation library: Fixed warning (“Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in … on line …“).
Other changes:
- Autoplay option for galleries with images is disabled.
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Added missing phrase to the “wp-zefir.pot” translation file (“Send message“).
- New option: “Enable/Disable retina.js script”:
- Appearance -> Zefir Theme -> General settings -> Retina.js (Enable/Disable retina.js script).
- Added new Google fonts: Overpass and Overpass Mono.
- PHP7 Deprecated Warnings: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; class_name has a deprecated constructor. Already fixed in the current version;
- Widgets: HTML forms styles;
- retina.js 404 errors;
- Few minor CSS issues;
- Fixed issue with views counter.
- New option: “Add ‘data-no-retina’ attribute to all images” (Appearance > Zefir Theme > General settings > Add ‘data-no-retina’ attribute to all images).
- Few minor CSS issues;
- Few minor JavaScript issues.
- Documentation;
- Font Awesome (v4.7.0);
- Bootstrap (v3.3.7);
- html5shiv.js (v3.7.3);
- Likes counter;
- Theme screenshot.
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Added styles for forms (button, input, textarea, select html tags);
- Added search for mobile version;
- Changed the phrase: “Homepage slider” -> “Slider“.
- Added Glyphicons (Includes over 250 glyphs in font format from the Glyphicon Halflings set; It is one of the Bootstrap components);
- Added new social icons located in the footer: SoundCloud, 500px, and Behance;
- New option: “SoundCloud URL” (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> SoundCloud URL);
- New option: “500px URL” (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> 500px URL);
- New option: “Behance URL” (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> Behance URL);
- Added new social icons for the “About the Author” block: Pinterest, Vimeo, SoundCloud, 500px, and Behance;
- New option: “Your Pinterest URL” (Users -> Your Profile -> Your Pinterest URL);
- New option: “Your Vimeo URL” (Users -> Your Profile -> Your Vimeo URL);
- New option: “Your SoundCloud URL” (Users -> Your Profile -> Your SoundCloud URL);
- New option: “Your 500px URL” (Users -> Your Profile -> Your 500px URL);
- New option: “Your Behance URL” (Users -> Your Profile -> Your Behance URL);
- Added date for each blog post;
- Added slider for pages and page templates;
- New option: “Show Slider on the Pages?” (Zefir Theme -> Slider -> Show Slider on the Pages?).
- WordPress 4.6 compatibility.
- Bug in the control panel when it is translated to another language.
- Added missing phrases to the translation files.
- Documentation;
- TGM Plugin Activation class (v2.6.1);
- Font Awesome (v4.6.3);
- jQuery Superfish Menu Plugin (v1.7.9).
- W3C markup validation issues;
- Few minor responsive issues.
- Removed “Ajax Thumbnail Rebuild” plugin;
- Increased the maximum font size value in the control panel (up to 200px);
- Changed the following phrases:
- “Yearly Archives:” -> “Year:”
- “Monthly Archives:” -> “Month:”
- “Daily Archives:” -> “Day:”
- “Search Results for:” -> “Search results for:”
- “Tag Archives:” -> “Tag:”
- Added new Header type;
- New option: “Header type” (Zefir Theme -> Header -> Header type);
- Added “Author’s archive” page template;
- New option: “Show biographical info? (Show/Hide)” (Zefir Theme -> Pages settings -> Show biographical info? (Show/Hide));
- Pages (WordPress admin area -> Pages):
- added pagination (use <!–nextpage–> quicktag in your WordPress editor);
- added featured image support (now you can add “Featured images” to your pages).
- Documentation.
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Documentation;
- Like counter;
- Views counter;
- “Zefir: Contact form” widget;
- Some theme styles;
- Control panel styles (Appearance -> Zefir Theme);
- Slider;
- Social share function;
- Bootstrap (v3.3.6);
- Font Awesome (v4.5.0).
- Issues with Gallery post format;
- Few minor CSS issues;
- Issue with the Retina logo (Thank latublu).
- Removed unused files;
- Removed masonry.js (now the theme uses the built in WordPress masonry.js);
- Removed inline JavaScript code (all code was moved to the theme.js file);
- Removed “Post navigation links color” option from the control panel (Zefir Theme -> Pages settings -> Post navigation links color);
- Removed all iframe tags (added “wp_oembed_get” function);
- Changed some headings (h1-h6; h1: pages headings; h2: posts headings; h3: widgets headings; h4: posts headings inside of widgets).
- Added new fonts: Arial, Verdana, Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, Palatino, Helvetica;
- New option: “Like” counter: color (Zefir Theme -> Styling settings -> “Like” counter: color);
- New option: “Like” counter: color (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> “Like” counter: color);
- New option: “Auto scale” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Auto scale);
- New style for widgets;
- New option: “Widgets style” (Zefir Theme -> Styling settings -> Widgets style; Transparent / With a white background);
- New option: “Color for Widgets (border-top color)” (Zefir Theme -> Styling settings -> Color for Widgets (border-top color));
- New option: “White filter over the images” (Zefir Theme -> Styling settings -> White filter over the images; Enable/Disable);
- Added new icons in the footer: Pinterest and RSS;
- New option: “Pinterest URL” (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> Pinterest URL);
- New option: “RSS URL” (Zefir Theme -> Footer settings -> RSS URL);
- New option: “prettyPhoto (Enable/Disable)” (Zefir Theme -> General Settings -> prettyPhoto);
- The new slider function: show posts in the slider;
- New option: “What to show in the slider?” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> What to show in the slider?; Custom slides / Posts by category);
- New option: “Category for slides” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Category for slides);
- New option: “Maximum number of slides” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Maximum number of slides);
- New option: “Order By” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Order By);
- New option: “Caption: Margin top” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Caption: Margin top);
- New option: “Caption: Animation speed” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Caption: Animation speed);
- Added new effect for the slider: Ken Burns effect;
- New option: “Ken Burns effect” (Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Ken Burns effect);
- New option: “Logo Width” (Zefir Theme -> Logo settings -> Logo Width);
- Added new pagination type: Load More button (Zefir Theme -> General settings -> Pagination type -> Load More button).
- Documentation.
- Minor CSS changes;
- “alt” attribute for images (now “alt” attribute you can write in the image settings (Alt Text)).
- New option: “Sticky header” (Appearance -> Zefir Theme -> Header -> Sticky header (Enable/Disable));
- New option for Page settings: “Color for the Page (border-top color)” (Pages -> Add New Page / Edit Page);
- Added “Related posts” function (Single post page);
- New option: “Show Related posts?” (Appearance -> Zefir Theme -> Pages settings -> Show Related posts?);
- New option: “Image resizing method” (Appearance -> Zefir Theme -> Homepage slider -> Image resizing method).
- Masonry (v3.3.1);
- Font Awesome (v4.4.0).
- Few minor CSS issues;
- Mixed text domain (translation issues).
- WordPress 4.3 compatibility.
- Bootstrap (v3.3.5);
- jQuery mightySlider (v2.1.3);
- Documentation.
- Vimeo video does not appear if the user has a https connection;
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Category description now appears under the category name.
- Added captions to the images (Featured images/Gallery);
- Tag description now appears on the Tag page;
- New option: “Show tag description?” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Pages settings).
- jQuery prettyPhoto (v3.1.6).
- Issues with the headings font;
- Minor css bugs.
- TGM Plugin Activation class (v2.4.2);
- jQuery mightySlider (v2.0.2);
- Font Awesome (v4.3.0);
- Masonry (v3.3.0);
- imagesLoaded (v3.1.8);
- Bootstrap (v3.3.4);
- Infinite Scroll jQuery Plugin (v2.1.0);
- Documentation.
- Issues with sticky navigation;
- Bug with the search images in the media library (admin area);
- Bug with SSL connection and Google fonts;
- Data validation issues (escape all data outputs);
- Inline styles issues;
- All issues with fonts;
- Bug with the gallery format (sticky post) when infinite scroll enabled.
- Removed “WordPress version” option from the control panel (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> General Settings);
- All responsive styles (/css/responsive.css) now are in the style.css file;
- Removed “Footer border color” option from the control panel (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Footer settings);
- New styles for the social share buttons.
- Meta Boxes moved to the plugin (“Meta Box” plugin);
- Now each meta-box appears when you select the desired format for post (“Add new post” page / “Edit post” page);
- Shortcodes moved to the plugin (“Zefir Shortcodes” plugin);
- title-tag support (for WordPress 4.1+);
- FlexSlider replaced by a more modern OWL Carousel (touch enabled jQuery plugin);
- New option: “Background color for Forms” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Footer settings);
- New option: “Text color for Forms” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Footer settings);
- New option: “Choose the character sets” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Font settings);
- New option: “Menu: Font Family” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Font settings);
- New option: “Quote: Font Family” (Appearance -> Zefir theme -> Font settings);
- Added styles for WordPress editor (editor-style.css).
- Missing html container (single post page – Full width and Full width with 2 columns);
- Images order in the Gallery post format;
- Areas for widgets on the blog page template;
- Logo margin-left in the small devices (Image logo);
- Some responsive issues;
- Error from Google: Missing required field “entry-title”;
- Error from Google: Missing required field “updated”;
- Error from Google: Missing required hCard “author”.
- New options in the Recent posts widget (Show date, Show author);
- New option: Links open in.. (Current tab or New tab);
- Support retina devices for logo image;
- New option: Upload Retina Logo Image;
- Added words from comment form in the .mo .po files;
- New theme documentation.
Updated: Font Awesome Icons (Version 4.1.0).
Fixed: Posts overlap each other (bug in the gallery post format).
Fixed: Responsive bug with 3 Columns + Sidebar page layout.
- Added Infinite scrolling;
- Added About author block on the single post page;
- Added Social share buttons;
- Added new options in the control panel: Post title color, Post hover title color, Single post page title color, Social share (Enable/Disable), Show/Hide About author (Single post page), Show/Hide author (Single post page), Show/Hide social share button (Single post page), Show/Hide captions to slides, Learn More button text on the slide.