Full changelog.txt: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-orin/changelog.txt
How to update Orin: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-orin/#update-section
Version 1.2 – 29.02.2024Fixes and Improvements:
- Some styles for the Block editor in this version of the theme have been improved and fixed.
- Added minor improvements to the customizer.
- The “Orin Additional Features” plugin has been updated (v1.1):
- Added the X icon instead of the Twitter icon;
- New social button: “Share on Pinterest”.
- The translation file has been updated (/orin/languages/orin.pot).
Fixes and Improvements:
1. Block Editor:
Styling issues for several blocks have been fixed in this version of the theme. The following blocks were affected:
- List Block;
- Quote Block;
- File Block;
- Button Block;
- Tag Cloud;
- Categories List.
2. Added permission to use two new HTML tags for Footer Text: the “p” (paragraph) tag and the “br” (line break) tag. This setting can be found in the customizer: Appearance > Customize > Footer > Copyright Text.
3. Theme translation file has been updated (/orin/languages/orin.pot).
Version 1.1.1 – 24.08.2022Fixed:
- Fixed issue with popup images in the Gallery Block;
- Improved and fixed styles for the Block Editor.
- Documentation;
- POT translation file (/orin/languages/orin.pot).
- Added a hidden H1 heading with the site name to pages where it is not possible to add this tag. These are the following pages: homepage with the latest posts, all archive pages, and search results page. The site name can be added in your WordPress settings: Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Title.
- New theme settings (Appearance > Customize):
- Added the ability to increase the first post on all pagination pages: Appearance > Customize > Blog Posts > Posts > Increase the first post on pagination pages or not?;
- Added a new section with settings: Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings;
- Show or hide the “Back To Top” button: Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings > Show “Back to top” button;
- Added the ability to cancel text transformation for some text elements: Appearance > Customize > Other Theme Settings > Cancel text transformation for some text elements;
- The following section with settings has been renamed: Appearance > Customize > Colors And Cookies –> Styles And Cookies;
- Added setting to change default fonts: Appearance > Customize > Styles And Cookies > Default Fonts: Sans-Serif Or Serif;
- Added setting to change the default site style: Appearance > Customize > Styles And Cookies > Default Site Style: Light Or Dark.
- Some minor CSS issues.
Thanks to everyone who advised good ideas for this update! 😉 I also want to apologize that some of the settings that you wrote to me about were not included in this update. However, they are all saved in my journal. I can’t guarantee that all suggested settings and features will be added, but I always think about every suggested setting and feature 😉 Once again, thank you very much to all of you!
During testing, there were issues with the following new features:
- Offset for posts in the slider;
- Ability to hide the logo on single post pages and single pages.
For this reason, these features have not been included in this version. However, I will keep thinking about them.
Version 1.0.1 – 26.02.2022Improvements and fixes:
- Improved and fixed styles for the Block Editor (Fixed issues related to block editor changes in WordPress 5.9; Added styles for new blocks);
- Fixed minor CSS issues (Comment form styles);
- Improved and fixed styles for widget blocks.
Note: This update adds compatibility with WordPress 5.9.x. After the release of this update, I will start working on version 1.1. In this version (v1.1), I will add new features, settings and some fixes.
Thanks again for using this theme!
Version 1.0 – 11.11.2021Release.