Full changelog.txt: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-brisa/changelog.txt
How to update Brisa: http://documentation.birdwp.com/wp-brisa/#update-section
Version 1.3.1 – 09.06.2018Updated:
- Theme screenshot.
- Few minor CSS issues:
- Comments Form: Cookies acceptance checkbox – Added new styles;
- Changed styles for the
, andobject
- TGM Plugin Activation library: Fixed warning (“Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in … on line …“).
- Few minor CSS issues.
- New option: “Linkedin URL”:
- Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> Linkedin URL;
- Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> Linkedin URL;
- Users -> Your Profile -> Linkedin URL.
- Added new social icons for the “Brisa: Social links” widget:
- Brisa: Social links widget -> SoundCloud URL;
- Brisa: Social links widget -> 500px URL;
- Brisa: Social links widget -> Linkedin URL;
- Note: If you use this widget on your site (Brisa: Social links), then after updating the theme you need to deactivate and activate it again.
- New option for pages: “Social share buttons (Show/Hide)”:
- Pages -> Add New Page / Edit Page -> Page settings -> Social share buttons (Show/Hide).
- PHP7 Deprecated Warnings: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; class_name has a deprecated constructor. Already fixed in the current version;
- Widgets: HTML forms styles;
- retina.js 404 errors;
- Few minor CSS issues;
- Fixed issue with views counter.
- New option: “Add ‘data-no-retina’ attribute to all images” (Appearance > Customize > General Settings > Add ‘data-no-retina’ attribute to all images);
- Theme screenshot.
- Documentation.
- WordPress 4.7 compatibility.
Note. If you already use this theme and you have your own CSS code in the Custom CSS field, then the script in this update will automatically migrate your existing custom CSS code to the new Additional CSS field, and then the old Custom CSS section will be automatically removed from WordPress Live Customizer.
Version 1.2 – 05.12.2016Updated:
- Documentation;
- Font Awesome (v4.7.0);
- imagesLoaded (v4.1.1);
- Likes counter;
- Popular posts widget.
- Few minor JavaScript issues;
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Added search for mobile version.
- Styles for forms;
- New option: “500px URL”:
- Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> 500px URL;
- Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> 500px URL;
- WordPress Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile -> 500px URL.
- New option: “Soundcloud URL”:
- Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> Soundcloud URL;
- Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> Soundcloud URL;
- WordPress Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile -> Soundcloud URL.
- New option: “Behance URL”:
- Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> Behance URL;
- Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> Behance URL;
- WordPress Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile -> Behance URL.
- New option: “Footer Widgets Height, px” (Appearance -> Customize -> Footer -> Footer Widgets Height).
- Bootstrap (v3.3.7);
- html5shiv.js (v3.7.3).
- WordPress 4.6 compatibility.
- TGM Plugin Activation class (v2.6.1);
- Font Awesome (v4.6.3);
- jQuery Superfish Menu Plugin (v1.7.9).
- W3C markup validation issues:
- removed role=”contentinfo” from <footer> element;
- added <h2> element to some sections.
- Default value for Categories option: “0” instead “All categories” (Appearance -> Customize -> Carousel -> Category for Items in the Carousel).
- Font Awesome (v4.5.0);
- Bootstrap (v3.3.6);
- Documentation.
- Issues with Gallery post format;
- Few minor JavaScript issues.
- Documentation.
- Few minor CSS issues.
- Views counter;
- New option: “Show Views Counter” (Customize -> Blog (+ Single Post Page) -> Show Views Counter);
- New customize section: “General Settings” (Customize -> General Settings);
- New option: “Show ‘To Top’ Button” (Customize -> General Settings -> Show “To Top” Button);
- New option: “Enable prettyPhoto” (Customize -> General Settings -> Enable prettyPhoto);
- New option: “Header Area: Padding Top/Bottom” (Customize -> Header -> Header Area: Padding Top/Bottom);
- Now allowed to use the <a> tag in the footer copyright text (Customize -> Footer -> Copyright Text).